RebelMouse vs. Arc Publishing

RebelMouse vs. Arc Publishing

RebelMouse has a modern CMS platform that delivers for all stakeholders and prioritizes performance so that content maximizes audience reach. How does RebelMouse compare to Arc XP?

Arc Is a Risky Bet

When most people hear about Arc, it's typically mentioned along with The Washington Post or Jeff Bezos. While the associations are great publicity, it also highlights that Arc may be a small fish in the big WaPo/Amazon pond. Is their CMS a priority business, with enough funds and resources allocated to keep up with the industry? Or is it a side project that's sometimes a distraction?

The reality is that Arc, launched in 2016, falls short when it comes to editorial tools and the robust developer platform that modern-day publishers need. And while Arc boasts a sizable sales force, it can't mask a platform that is years behind in the development cycle. As a result, Arc publishers end up with websites and progressive web apps powered by underwhelming tech that yields poor page speed scores, at a time when publishers can't afford to have low-performing sites.

Today, Google is heavily penalizing site experiences with poor site performance, and potential customers are known to quickly abandon slow pages. When one also considers the steep investment Arc requires, it's a risk publishers shouldn't take.

RebelMouse Was Built to Solve Publisher Problems

RebelMouse, the brainchild of former HuffPost CTO Andrea Breanna, was designed to address systemic problems that publishers experience with hastily built CMS tech. We unconventionally operate with no sales team, which allows us to focus on building the best product teams love using that undeniably moves the needle for publishers. Problems with page speed and low pages per visit? Failing Google's Core Web Vitals test? We've solved these problems for you. Looking for opportunities for editors to have a better experience? We've solved this as well.

But don't just take our word for it. Compare the Google PageSpeed Insights scores of sites powered by Arc and RebelMouse. The difference is clear when we look at the performance scores of major companies using Arc...

...and compare them against the scores RebelMouse clients enjoy.

With RebelMouse, our clients get a platform that delivers in ways that are truly meaningful to organic reach and traffic growth.

We're the Right Platform for Every Stakeholder

We've proudly built a product that actually achieves the goals that CMOs, CEOs, and CTOs need their digital product to fulfill. Our authoring tools make editorial, audience development, and social teams efficient and savvy, thanks to proprietary technology that's been engineered to optimize content across platforms. Likewise, our analytics tools make your marketing and strategy teams feel happy and supported. We give them digestible data to understand and better optimize content for strategies that drive meaningful traffic. Our design tools appeal to product and revenue teams because of our next-level customization control and flexibility within site design and performance. And our platform is a developer-friendly solution for engineers to deliver far better results to their companies without straining tech resources.

Learn From the Best Tech and Team

With RebelMouse, you get the right technology that keeps teams innovative, efficient, and happy in a cost-effective way. We teach publishers how to build high-performing web experiences and traffic growth that's hard to replicate anywhere else. It's why RebelMouse is the best CMS platform you could choose to help move your company forward.

Request a proposal today to learn more about how we can transform your business.

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Websites Are Built

The Fastest Sites in the World Run on RebelMouse

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RebelMouse Performance Monitoring

Real-Time Core Web Vitals

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Our Core Features

Our platform is a complete digital publishing toolbox that's built for modern-day content creators, and includes game-changing features such as our:

Layout and Design toolLayout and Design tool on mobile

Why RebelMouse?

Unprecedented Scale

RebelMouse sites reach more than 120M people a month, with an always-modern solution that combines cutting-edge technology with decades of media savvy. And due to our massive scale, 1 in 3 Americans have visited a website powered by RebelMouse.

120M+ Users
550M+ Pageviews
17+ Avg. Minutes per User
6+ Avg. Pages per User

Today's Top Websites Use RebelMouse

Thanks to the tremendous scale of our network, we are able to analyze a wealth of traffic data that informs our strategies and allows us to be a true strategic partner instead of just a vendor.

upworthyindy100Vault12No Film SchoolRawStoryResponsible StatecraftPrideRolling Stone QuebecPremierGuitarPenskeINN Educate Brand ConnectThe FulcrumGZEROOkayafricaBrit+CoPaper MagazinePowerToFlyNarcityCommonDreamsAllBusiness

What Clients Say

We’re here to help you weigh and understand every tech and strategic decision that affects your digital presence. Spend less time managing everything yourself, and more time focused on creating the quality content your users deserve.

Case Studies

A Team (and an Agency) Built Like No Other

RebelMouse employs a unique, diverse, and decentralized team that consists of 70+ digital traffic experts across more than 25 different countries. We have no central office, and we cover every time zone to ensure that we’re able to deliver amazing results and enterprise-grade support around the clock.

Our team is well-versed in all things product, content, traffic, and revenue, and we strategically deploy ourselves to help with each element across all of our clients. We thrive on solving the complex.

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