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Enhance Your Site With Custom Layout Designs

Coveteur homepage layout

If you can imagine it, we can help you turn that into reality.

One of the best advantages of the RebelMouse platform is the flexibility to do really unique layouts and designs.

Our powerful Layout and Design Tool offers all kinds of options once you get familiar with its elements, and we're constantly making upgrades such as the launch of Layout and Design Tool 3.0.

Coveteur, a lifestyle brand that started by exploring the homes and closets of stars and influencers, needed a unique look and they found it with custom layouts with RebelMouse. The site has since evolved to cover behind-the-scenes of everything lifestyle, fashion, and culture. Have a look at some of the unique designs they've employed.

Inside The Closet (Lead)

closet layout with lead image

The "Closet" layout (or template) begins with a high-quality image of the focus individual, often standing in front of their closet like this one here. It's paired with text to the right for a simple user experience.

Inside The Closet (Gallery)

closet layout with gallery style images

Scroll down on the Closet layout and you'll see a beautiful tiled gallery of images. They appear in thumbnail squares that can be clicked for a full-screen experience, and from there you can toggle through them left and right.

Shopping Guide

shopping guide layout

The Shopping Guide layout really shines. It can a combination of body copy, product images side by side, and beautiful pull quotes that get your attention. Here's one for eyewear and here's a closer look at the full page.

Beauty All-Stars

beauty all stars layout

The "Beauty All-Stars" layout needed to be something special – it's for a unique section that focuses on stars of the beauty industry. It's a full screen experience that begins with a lead image that goes the width of your screen and continues with another high-quality image of the stars after the first paragraph. Additional images appear in the story at full resolution.

Hero product

product layout

The Product layout is clear: A high-resolution image of the lead product, brand name, product name, buy button, and price. Then there are a series of "You may also like" products with prices and buy buttons below them.

The best part about the product layouts is these pages are dynamic, meaning you can insert them as particles (parts of an article) in any article across the Coveteur site. They become mini versions of what you see here and you can buy the product in one click. Or people can discover the product landing pages like this one via search or other ways.

Two or three-column images

three column image view in an article

Our particles also support two or three-column view, which is great for images you want to show side by side. Here's how that may look in an article.

Standard layout

standard layout

The standard layout has big, bold subheadings that are centered on the page, playing off Coveteur's bold style that you see across the site.

Fully Optimized For Mobile

While Coveteur looks beautiful with a desktop or tablet experience, it's entirely optimized for mobile as well. Here are some screenshots of what you may see on a smartphone.

homepage on mobile
closet view on mobile

Looking for something custom on your own site? Get in touch and we can help you!

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