Rebel Insights

The State of Core Web Vitals, INP, and Organic SEO in 2024

The State of Core Web Vitals, INP, and Organic SEO in 2024

RebelMouse has been dedicated to being the highest-performing CMS across Core Web Vitals metrics since 2021, when Google signaled the importance it would have on ranking impact and organic traffic. By the fall of 2023, the introduction of INP as a new Core Web Vitals measurement was clear. Unfortunately, being able to test against it was very difficult. Understanding its full impact was even harder.

In March 2024, when INP was officially released, we knew within hours of the update that it was going to be an extremely hard moment for the web. By the time the data came in from Google CrUX reports 45 days later, the confirmation was in. INP had hurt everyone’s performance scores significantly. RebelMouse’s massive advantage across Core Web Vitals was turned into a slight advantage. So, just as we did in 2021, we settled in to start doing some very hard and focused engineering.

Entirely new tools to analyze the problem were built from scratch. We developed something the engineering team here called INP-Zilla — a library that would deeply understand JavaScript callback behaviors and optimize performance.

HTTP Archive Core Web Vitals chart showing the performance of Adobe Experience Manager, Arc XP, Contentful, Drupal, RebelMouse, and WordPressRebelMouse leads the enterprise CMS space when it comes to meeting and exceeding Google's expectations for its Core Web Vitals benchmarks.

We are very proud that the work we performed this year has given us the same type of separation from the pack that we had established back in 2021, and that all of our clients who chose us years ago were able to stay focused on their content and the customization of their product instead of spending multiple quarters’ worth of engineering work to address technical debt created by the fast evolution of the web.

INP Is going to be very hard for other technology providers to fix. Their scores have simply not improved like ours have. Solving INP means being able to understand complex JavaScript behaviors elegantly, and most engineering teams will find themselves overwhelmed to find the time to address this while delivering the rest of their goals.

In the meantime, the latest core updates from Google have clearly prioritized technical SEO one level further. In the competition between two articles that are both very well written, the article with better technical performance and user experience is winning now.

So, come win with us.

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