You can now hyperlink to a specific particle within your article. Check out an example here.
Anchoring A Link Inside The Body Of The Post To A Particle
Here's How It Works
Each item/particle created in the Entry Editor is automatically allocated an id called
In the 7x7 example above, they wanted to link a snippet of text to particle #5 on their list:
Here's How to Implement It
- Select the text snippet you want to link.
- Enclose the text inside of an <a href> tag. It needs to look like this: <a href="rebelltitem$">TEXT YOU WANT TO LINK</a>
To find the correct ID, you can either physically count to the item, or you can search for it in the HTML of your post.
Anchoring A Link to a Footnote
This is as simple to do as anchoring an assembler particle!Let's say you have a (1) in an article, and you want that word or combination of words to be linked to a specific footnote.
Step 1: Link the word with an #id
Go into the HTML mode of the post and find the (1) (or word) you want to link. Add this right next to it: <a href="#footnote1">[1]</a>
The (1), of course, should be whatever word you've chosen to link to the footnote.
And the #id can be anything you choose -- it just has to be unique. In this case if I had more footnotes I'd do: #footnote2, #footnote3, #footnote4, etc.
Step 2: Match the footnote with said #id
Go to your footnotes, find the <p> tag of the footnote you want to link and add the id to it, like this: <p id="footnote1">
If you use pagination in your articles
You'll need to add ?page=3 (for example, or whatever page number you have the footnotes in), like this here:
So it links out to the 3rd page of your article, where the footnotes are, in the HTML mode, and it looks like this: "<a href="?page=3#footnote1">[1]</a>
Example post: http://doitforthedemo.rebelmouse.com/pac-12-saturday-recap-2507211855.html
Linking To A Specific Particle In The Post URL
That is a much simple ordeal and it's based on the same rebelltitem logic.
You need to append ?rebelltitem=$#rebelltitem$ to the
Example: https://www.rebelmouse.com/content-ingestion-2483042173.html?rebelltitem=6#rebelltitem6