
Modern E-Commerce: Blur the Line Between Content and Design

Modern E-Commerce: Blur the Line Between Content and Design

Create Modular + Reusable Design Patterns on RebelMouse

Content saturation is an industry-wide problem, and the e-commerce space is no exception given that it's filled with big brands, small Etsy stores, and everyone in between all fighting for similar audiences. The best way to fight this symptom is to understand your audience and provide them with what they want.

At RebelMouse, we write a lot about the rise of mature users. The modern, mature user of today is willing to pay subscription fees in lieu of dealing with overwhelming advertising, happy to take alternative routes to consume quality content that matters to them, and is ready to transition from platforms to site and search. To generate revenue effectively, publishers and advertisers in the e-commerce business have to keep these mature users in mind. This means a shopping experience should be an environment that feels dynamic and designed for the buyer, not the seller.

PAPER Magazine + Neiman Marcus: A Case Study in Elegant E-commerce

We create immersive online retail experiences that are easy to create and even easier to reuse. Recently, we helped our client PAPER Magazine create an e-commerce page with Tiffany & Co that's next level. The industry-bending magazine also did a previous collobration with Neiman Marcus.

Here's a look at the campaign:

The shopping experience is intuitive and free of additional tabs and unnecessary pop-ups:

While the experience looks very developer-heavy, it was created entirely in RebelMouse's Layout & Design tool. The design starts with a foundational layout that is easy to clone and update, and different products can be swapped in and out whenever needed.

Here's how easy it is to copy and paste product layouts from the back end of our platform:

The Beauty of Frictionless Design

It's likely that if this campaign was replicated on another CMS, the content and design would be completely separated. This means collaboration from content creators and developers would have to run its course before the campaign could launch. Our dev-free designs eliminate this friction so design and content can work together seamlessly. The result is a user experience that stands out among the noise.

If you're interested in launching an e-commerce campaign, or just looking to optimize your monetization strategy, request a proposal today. Let's start working together.

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Our team is well-versed in all things product, content, traffic, and revenue, and we strategically deploy ourselves to help with each element across all of our clients. We thrive on solving the complex.

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