
Posts Dashboard

Multiple Post Edit/Delete/Mark as Spam Options

Inside the Rebelmouse’s Post Dashboard we have the option to filter your post and choose to Export, Mark as Spam, Unmark as Spam and Delete.


When selecting your posts, the first icon on the row opens the Export options. You can then proceed to export your selected posts into a XML or CSV file.

Mark as Spam

To mark the articles as spam you can click on the exclamation mark icon. A pop-up will appear asking if you wish to commit the change. From the moment you confirm it, the headline of the selected post will have an exclamation mark to signal it as spam.

Unmark as Spam

Once the posts are marked as spam, you can also unmark them. Just select them again but this time click on the “Unmark as Spam” button and confirm your change.


If you choose to delete the selected posts, click on the bin icon and confirm your changes. You’ll be able to find this article upon filtering by “Deleted” status on the Dashboard.

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