
Optimize Your Editorial Workflow With Post Status Options

Optimize Your Editorial Workflow With Post Status Options

Use five different post status selections to streamline the path to publish

By using our post status functionality, you can effortlessly optimize your editorial workflow to assign a different status to each stage of a post draft before it's published.

There are five statuses a post can have:

  1. Draft: Used when a writer first creates a post.
  2. In Review: Once a writer is ready to have their content checked by an editor, they can click Send to Review, which will move the post to the "In Review" status where it waits for a review and potential changes.
  3. Final Edit: After an initial review, the editorial team can choose to publish the post immediately or to send it back to the writer to make adjustments. If the latter occurs, the post will be moved to the "Final Edit" status.
  4. Ready to Publish: After the post has been amended, it's moved to the "Ready to Publish" status where the editorial team gives it a final review before publishing it. This is the last stage of review.
  5. Live: This status is used when the article is published and live on your site.

You can also easily filter for posts in specific statuses using the Posts Dashboard:

The five available post statuses detailed above are the default stages available out of the box. Administrator and Editor roles can review posts submitted by Writer, Guest Writer, and Guest Editor roles. Click here to learn more about our roles-and-ratings system.

Here's a quick screencast of how the post submission process looks between a writer and an editor:

If you have any questions about post statuses, email or talk to your account manager today.

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