
User Dashboard

Remove User Functionality

On the user dashboard, you cannot completely remove a user. Instead, you can ban a user, which deactivates their account. This action can be reverted at any time to reactivate the user.

How to Ban a User in Three Easy Steps

Step 1: Post Status

You can change the status of the posts under the author to the required status.

Step 2: Transfer Post

When removing the current author, you can transfer all their posts to another author.

Step 3: Remove User

Finally, by clicking the remove button, the author will be removed. The posts under that author will have the status you selected in Step 1 and will be assigned to the author you selected in Step 2.

Steps 1 and 2 are optional. If you do not select these options, the author will be banned without transferring the posts, and the posts will remain on the site.

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