We support RSS and JSON feeds
All RebelMouse sites have automatically generated RSS and JSON feeds of their home page, sections, and subsections, and we support the ability to create custom feeds as well. Here's how to find a specific feed list for your site:
How RSS Feeds Are Structured
/feeds/feed.rss = full feed /feeds/section.rss = section-based feed /feeds/section/subsection.rss = subsection-based feed
For example, you want to use a URL structure as follows for the full feed of your site:
- https://www.yourdomain.com/feeds/feed.rss
To find feeds for specific sections or subsections, use the following examples:
- https://www.yourdomain.com/feeds/video.rss (The section here is "video.")
- https://www.yourdomain.com/feeds/travel.rss (The section here is "travel.")
- https://www.yourdomain.com/feeds/world-tour/japan.rss (The section here is "world-tour," and the subsection is "japan.")
We paginate our RSS Feeds to only show 30 posts per page by default. Users can paginate through all of the results by using an ?page=* parameter that's appended to the URL. Here's an example URL structure:
- https://www.yourdomain.com/feeds/parenting.rss?page=2
Note that posts are ordered in our standard feeds by the original publish date of the articles, not by date the article was modified.
For custom feeds, you need to use an offset parameter to correctly set pagination. For example, if your article limit is 20 posts per page, offset=20 should be appended to the URL for the second page in order to query the next 20 posts. Here's an example:
- https://www.georgetakei.com/customfeeds/feed/SmartNewsFrontPage/rss?offset=20
This means that for the third page, offset=40 should be appended to the URL:
- https://www.georgetakei.com/customfeeds/feed/SmartNewsFrontPage/rss?offset=40
If the limit is 30 posts per page, the second page would use the following feed structure instead:
- https://www.georgetakei.com/customfeeds/feed/SmartNewsFrontPage/rss?offset=30
Following the aforementioned structure, the third page would then use offset=60 to show the next set of 30 posts:
- https://www.georgetakei.com/customfeeds/feed/SmartNewsFrontPage/rss?offset=60
There are also RSS Feeds for your site's writers and contributors that are automatically generated.
Click here for an example of an author's profile, and click here for the aforementioned example's RSS Feed link.
Use the following URL structure to find a specific author:
- https://www.yourdomain.com/feeds/community/writer.rss ("Writer" is the author's name in this example.)
SmartNews Feeds
If your site is accepted to use news aggregator SmartNews, you will need to send SmartNews a customized RSS Feed for approval. Click here for more information about SmartNews's RSS Feed requirements.
RebelMouse supports full feeds, as well as section-based feeds, for SmartNews:
/feeds_smartnews/feed.rss = full feed /feeds_smartnews/section-name.rss = section-based feed
Brief Feeds
You can add a query parameter to any of the feeds above to make it usable as a brief, too. This can be very useful to integrate with other partners, including PostUp, that expect this type of feed. The query parameter is ?body_rendering=brief. Here are a couple of examples:
- https://www.yourdomain.com/feeds/feed.rss?body_ren...
- https://www.yourdomain.com/feeds/newsletter.rss?bo...
Here's an example of a tag-based RSS Feed: https://www.mother.ly/feeds/journey/week1000.rss.
How JSON Feeds Are Structured
In addition to RSS feeds, we also support JSON feeds.The URLs follow the same format as an RSS Feed, but they end with .json instead of .rss.
Here's an example of a full JSON Feed: https://www.georgetakei.com/feeds/feed.json.
Here's an example of section-based JSON Feed: https://www.georgetakei.com/feeds/human-interest.json.
And here's an example of user-based JSON Feed: https://www.mother.ly/feeds/community/heathermarcoux.json.
You can also modify a JSON Feed structure with GET parameters to expose elements like tags, modified dates, and created dates. Here's an example: https://www.georgetakei.com/feeds/human-interest.json?full=1.
If you have any questions about how we structure feeds, contact support@rebelmouse.com or your account manager today.