Social Sharing Tab Overview
At RebelMouse, we are a vibrant community of content creators who understand the art of crafting contagious media. Our commitment to innovation drives us to continually refine the creation process, ensuring that every piece of content is poised for social success and revenue generation. In this spirit of continuous improvement, we proudly present our Social Sharing Tool.This powerful tool allows you to seamlessly share your articles on major social platforms like Facebook and Twitter directly from the Entry Editor.
Connect Social Accounts

In the top right corner of the social scheduling tab, you will find a dropdown menu with options to connect your Facebook, Twitter, and email accounts. Ensure that you are logged in as an admin to the corresponding social account in another tab when attempting to connect it from RebelMouse.
Facebook Sharing
By default, the headline and lead media are copied to the social sharing tab. However, you can curate the details before sharing on social media. You can add or edit the social headline, description, and image that will appear on your Facebook page.
Twitter Sharing

Similar to Facebook Sharing, you can add or edit the headline, image, and description that you would like to share on Twitter.
Sharing Buttons

There are two buttons: 'Share on Publish' and 'Scheduling.'
- Share on Publish: This will share the post on social media as soon as you publish the article on the site.

- Scheduling: This allows you to schedule the post to go live on social media on a specific date and time.
Note: If an article scheduled for social media is still in draft mode on the site, it will be automatically published on the site to avoid a 404 error for users coming from social accounts to the article.
Scheduling Particles on Social
You can schedule each particle by simply toggling 'Schedule Post for Each Particle' to ON.
Default Time Between Particles
You can set the default time difference between particles. These particles will be shared on social media as articles at the scheduled date and time with the specified interval.
Actions for Particles Social Scheduling
- Select/Deselect Particles: You can select or deselect particles for social scheduling by checking the checkbox beside the particle headline.
- Edit Particles: Edit the particle's headline and image by clicking on the edit pencil icon.
- Refresh Particles: If you make any updates to the particles in the assembler, click the refresh button to reflect these changes during social scheduling.
Connect Multiple Pages
You can connect multiple Facebook pages to your Facebook account for scheduling posts on different pages.
Disconnect the accounts
You can disconnect an account by clicking on the dropdown next to the page and clicking Disconnect Account.
Facebook Token Renewal
When your Facebook token needs renewal, you'll see a yellow bar with a renewal message. Follow the steps outlined in the YouTube video to renew your token. Make sure you are logged in as an admin to your Facebook page during the renewal process. After completion, select your page from the dropdown menu.
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